Being kind to yourself: this is an essential element that we often overlook. Wanting to give it your all 24 hours a day- good luck with that, but pampering yourself thoroughly one day a week is a must. Recharge your batteries for the new week (we don’t mean the ones in your PC or smartphone, for the record). On Sundays, you can literally live by the famous saying “your body is a temple”. Here are some things you can do for your Sunday spa:
1) Do Something That Makes You Happy
First things first: if you like to exercise, do it. Banishing your workout schedule from your life for a day is great too, whatever floats your boat! You can also lie in bed for half an hour and watch funny cat videos on the internet. However you do it, make sure you smile.
2) Hammam At Home
Taking a bath is, naturally, a spa moment at home. For your “Sunday pampering day”, get yourself a scented candle, an aromatic oil to wash, and a good scrub. During your zen moment, put on some relaxing music.
3) A Tasty Breakfast
Whether you went out the previous day or woke up refreshed: on your day off, you deserve a delicious breakfast. Because let’s face it, how much time do you have during the week to whip up some tasty pancakes or conjure up those perfectly scrambled eggs on your plate? Exactly. Don’t deny yourself anything at all, and make the most of those extra calories on Sundays. Croissant? Yes please!

4) Meditation Podcast
On that particular day, you should be online as little as possible (except for those cat videos). A brief digital detox can do wonders before being glued to your phone or computer again on Monday. A short 10-minute meditation is recommended. You waste no time, and it gives you a clear mind and helps to sort things out.
5) Tea Time
Coconut milk cappuccinos, creamy lattes, and filter coffees are, of course, delicious. But if you drink coffee, you probably drink it sometimes while you work. Enjoyment is the key to Sundays, so try drinking more infusions today. That way you’ll be sure to fall asleep peacefully at night and keep your body at complete rest throughout the day. Coffee won’t hurt you, but if you want something you can enjoy and relax with, you’d better opt for an infusion of chamomile, mint, or even fennel. The latter aids in proper digestion, and you will immediately get a little health cure! Try to imitate the atmosphere of the yoga school at home.
6) Bake It Up, Honey
When we think of a granny’s life, we see a nice lady reading a book, taking care of plants, and baking cookies all day #goals. You can take a cue from this on a Sunday since Sundays are days of retreat. Take the time to finally bake those delicious cakes and cookies that have always been lurking in your beautiful cookbooks. Plus, you can bake a whole batch of goodies to take to work or college for the rest of the week.

7) Read
If we urge you to turn off your phone, what can you do? Read! And we don’t mean Facebook statuses, emails, or Instagram posts. We’re talking stories, interesting articles, and poems. Think good books on mindfulness or a cheesy novel to dream about. Poems are also usually very relaxing to read and make you feel about things in life. Who knows, you might get so thoughtful or in a completely different world that you start writing stuff yourself as long as you don’t write it in your notes on your smartphone or PC, of course!
Do you have any other ideas to create the perfect Sunday spa? Share it with us!